Remember Niger Coalition is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to unifying people and mobilizing resources to expand quality educational opportunities in Niger. We accomplish our mission by partnering with Nigerien organizations who have a vision for education in their communities and share our core values. Through a wholistic approach and by working side-by-side with our Nigerien partners who own and operate their schools, we are able to ensure that more and more children receive a high-quality education in the least educated country in the world.
OUR VISIONA country-wide transformation
Only half of all children in Niger attend primary school. Our vision is that every child in Niger has access to a high-quality education, which will create opportunities for leadership roles in their communities and beyond. Through our work, we will reach a tipping point in Niger: When enough children have received a quality education, they will positively impact their communities, which will result in a country-wide transformation.
Education is Unforgettable
In Niger, only 50% of children attend primary school, and 19% attend middle school. Step by step, Remember Niger is changing that reality for more and more children. Our supporters are making it possible for nearly 5,000 students in 18 schools to be receiving a quality education!
sparking the potential
of children in niger
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THANK YOU! 2023 ACCOMPLISHMENTSWhen Remember Niger Coalition began in 2009, we started by supporting 3 schools with 400 students. In 2023, you made it possible for us to partner with 18 schools and over 4,800 students! The generosity of supporters like you had a tremendous impact in the lives of children in Niger. Together, we accomplished so much in a country where nearly half of all children do not have the opportunity to go to primary school. You are invited to continue working with us to change the lives of children in Niger by creating more opportunities for quality education. We are incredibly grateful for your support, and we are honored to partner with you in this endeavor.